1. Remove burrs caused by field cutting of ends or handling damage and smooth out the edge of the lining if rough.
2. Remove all traces of oil, grease, asphalt, dust, dirt, etc.
3. Remove any damaged lining caused by field cutting operations or handling and clean any exposed metal by sanding or scraping. Sandblasting or power tool cleaning roughening is also acceptable. It is recommended that any loose lining be removed by chiseling, cutting, or scraping into well-adhered lined area before patching. Be sure to overlap at least 1″ of lining in the area to be repaired.
4. With the area to be sealed or repaired absolutely clean and suitably roughened, apply a coat of Protecto 401 Joint Compound using the following procedure:
a) Mixing Procedure – The repair kit for Protecto 401 contains two small cans of Protecto 401 Touch-Up Material . Protecto 401 Touch-Up is a two component epoxy and the contents of the small container shall be mixed with the contents of the large container. If less than the full contents of each can is to be mixed, the material may be mixed using the mixing ratio printed on the labels. After Part B is added to Part A, the mixture shall be thoroughly agitated. All activated material must be used within one hour of mixing.
b) Application of Material – After the material has been thoroughly mixed, it can be applied to the prepared surface by brush. Brushing is usually best due to the fact that the areas to be repaired are usually small. Practices conducive to a good coating are contained in the technical data sheet for Protecto 401 Touch-Up.
5. It is important to coat the entire freshly cut exposed metal surface of the cut pipe end. To ensure proper sealing, overlap at least one inch of the lining with this repair material.
DESCRIPTION: A brushable novalac epoxy designed for sealing cut ends and repairs when pipes are lined with Protecto 401 Ceramic Epoxy.
LIMITATIONS: This material should be used on spigots and in bell sockets only after the pipe or fitting is lined with Protecto 401 Ceramic Epoxy. Protecto 401 Touch-Up can be used over Protecto 401 or on bare substrate.
NOTE: Do not apply Protecto 401 over Protecto 401 Touch-Up.
SURFACE PREPARATION: The surface preparation shall be equal to the specifications for the project or as outlined in the touch-up procedure.
NOTE: Do not apply Protecto 401 Touch-Up over wet or frozen surfaces.
DRY FILM THICKNESS: As outlined in specifications.
APPLICATION: Brush, roll, or airless spray.
THINNING: Thin or clean up with Methyl Ethyl Ketone.
VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTENTS: <1.40 lbs. per gallon mixed unthinned.
SAFETY DATA: See individual product label for safety and health data information. Individual Material Safety data Sheets are available upon request.