160 °F DISTILLED WATER IMMERSION scribed panels Rated using ASTM D-714-8 |
24 months, slight red rust in scribe, no undercutting. |
1-1/2 months, delamination of film, test terminated. |
120 °F TAP WATER IMMERSION scribed panels Rated Using ASTM D-714-87 |
24 months, slight red rustin scribe, no undercutting. |
6 months, film curlsback l/2″ from scribe,test terminated. |
140 °F 25% SODIUM HYDROXIDE IMMERSION Rated Using ASTM D-714-87 |
24 months, no effect. |
1-1/2 months, delamination of film, test terminated.unscribed |
SALT SPRAY ASTM B-117 scribed panels |
24 months, red rust in scribe,no undercutting. |
1-1/2 months, l-1/2″ under-cutting at scribe. Testterminated |
Note: All materials were tested with an average film thickness of 40 mils on production-run ductile iron |